Climate change and the global justice movement

My blog from Paris climate talks.
Text alerts from Friends of the Earth have been very useful, though as a "shomer Shabbat" individual I have only just read them.
Today's geolocalosation action developed brand new technology to beat the state of emergency in Paris, with 3000 people taking part in saying climate justice peace.
A treaty debrief will happen tomorrow but just when i was asking where our delegates were, Maria Kola appeared and said hi, though tonight she mostly spoke Greek i got a selfie with this engineering dreamer, that universal language of the twitter generation.
It is matt genn's birthday so i put on a Beatles record for him, much to the annoyance of green partiers whose track i interrupted.
I met a young green from Bulgaria, and people from other places, and updated French colleagues on how we are doing in England.
I feel like this week has really strengthened air transport campaigns both French and English despite the classic failure of the UN FCcc on this.
I spoke to my lovely German colleague about the possibility of smashing ttip the weekend of February 13th

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