Meanwhile on facebook the London Young Greens co-chair is launching a letter writing campaign on the BBC's factually incorrect defence of their policy - which is to be honest imposed by Ofcom.
Caroline's parliamentary debate is still not up to watch again on BBC iPlayer.
First question was of course drugs: Amelia tweeted
"I thought drug law was Class A, Class B &Class C. Owen Patterson has educated me that it's actually Upper, Middle &Working Class law #bbcqt"
So can I point out that the Tories are not the only party offering a referendum on Europe. Caroline Lucas MP voted in parliament in favour of a referendum and we have a clear position of "the three yeses"
The third question should have been TV debates... it was about jihadists going out to Syria, should they be tried for treason?
Caroline "To know where they are rather than in limbo-land".
Benali on legal highs, "I love white people chatting about mosques as if they know stuff. At my Dad's mosque ISIS supporter was challenged & re-educated #bbcqt"
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