White Rage book review

 Yesterday I had to go to my local library after an email demanding action regarding the books I had borrowed.  Logging into my online account I discovered that library fines are back and it is impossible to renew online.  In person I had even worse luck being unable to re issue books without paying the fine I owe, but the unstaffed library had a machine that was unable to receive payments at the moment, being partially out of order.  So White Rage had to go back on the return shelf after I had not even completed the introduction.

The book is about the issues of racism in relation to white people and analysing the white rage and how that shapes history.  

However I found the book difficult to read because it contains a lot of detail about USA based history which I am unfamiliar with.

I would like to return to this book when I can.

Edgware Library has a whole bunch of books on display for Black History Month.  It includes childrens, fiction, and non-fiction.  It includes local London history and Black British Lives matter, a compilation edited to show the recent movement, presented in shiny black hardback.  There is also my favourite genre for campaigns, the auto-biography.

 I was sad to have to return Tom Daley (a Gold shiny hardback) but I had a good attempt getting through the majority of it.  He is not just a diver but also an able communicator.

 I returned we fight fascists.  The title is a recently published history.  It is sympathetic to the CST and charts the continuous story between the non-Zionist East End and the Hendon based CST. 

I would recommend that the Green Party England & Wales looks at itself and educated itself as a white dominated group, to tackle racism and be anti-racism allies.

Black History Month 2022 is something but will return much bigger and better in Barnet in 2023.