LGBTIQA+ History Month - suggested reading

 Barnet's local library service has kindly suggested some good books for this month.

When I was young many of these had not yet been written, weren't available, or I never got to read them.  Going to an all boys school I never even realised until today a film was released about section 28, that section 28 also effected women and girls.

So when I picked up the Transgender Issue: a call for justice by Shon Faye I was hoping to raise my level of education a little.  What I found was a great account of the history of trans in the 20th century, which I'd also seen in the disney plus series pride.  

What I don't understand about the book is why it goes to great lengths to defend JK Rowling.

Another disappointment is that while it claims to be published in 2021, its critical analysis of the Matrix through a trans lens (though the author herself isn't trans) fails to include The Matrix 4: Revolutions.

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