Everybody Now

I wanted to tell my own personal story but I couldn't realistically do that in a tweet so here goes:

I have tried various forms of activism.  I spend a lot of time imagining policies and core beliefs; I believe in diversity of tactics.  Writing to your MP alone won't work: Though I've written to politicians dozens of times over the last month.  It just seems like the policies aren't addressing the urgency and scale of the situation humanity is in long term.

I have demanded that my MP or next member of parliament after the next General Election, will support the Climate Emergency Bill (or 3 demands bill as it was also known).

Those 3 demands:  Yes the government needs to tackle global heating and its causes, as defined as one of the top security threats to our world, by the World Economic Forum.  The Intergovernmental panel on climate (IPCC) report last year looked at what a 1.5 degree world would be like: catastrophic.   Yes the sooner the UK government acts, the more likely all citizens of the world have the chance to develop with jobs and the living wage, libraries, and decentralised energy production.  Barnet Council and the UK Government have set a target that is fairly late, The Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has given her reasons for an earlier target.  But it comes to much the same thing which is act now.

And 3rdly there needs to be a citizens assembly because leaving it to politicians won't work.

How did I first become involved in Extinction Rebellion?  I signed up outside Green Party conference in Bristol giving my number on a clipboard, recognising the extinction symbol and that's when I first signed up to the Rebellion.  I started to receive text messages inviting me to an induction meeting. I joined a phone-round at the office.  It's an impressive organisation and has great graphic design; borrowing the extinction symbol from an artist years earlier in my travels in the climate justice movement.

I went to my first induction meeting at the launch of XR Barnet.

We then took action.  I and another protester were pushed out of the road whilst at the Burroughs.  Police were called and I expressed my disappointment that they should have been there to protect me.  I was violently dragged by the collar by a shouty man in my own town peacefully protesting outside my town hall.  The police took my details and I said I'd be willing to give evidence against the violent angry white man who pushed us out the road, but didn't hear back.  It's remarkable that the man thought he could attack us and take the law into his own hands.  I was shaken; but not defeated.  The fact we took action together makes me inspired, and the group keeps on growing.

Later I was involved in the school strike 4 climate and a climate emergency was proposed at council: but not declared.  Other boroughs in the area have managed to do so: Hertsmere, Watford, Three Rivers, and St Albans.

I love the fact that an organisation has come that really puts sustainable activism at its core.

I also appreciate that in the past I've made videos that seek to blame individuals.  It's the system that is to blame.  It's the system that causes an epidemic of asthma in our young people:  After going into hospital for a routine lung infection, my little brother was diagnosed with asthma last week and is on a demanding medication regime and has to get up in the night to use his inhaler.   I believe it's deeply unfair that through no fault of their own, future generations will suffer from the state we've left our environment.  As it says on XR Barnet's website, our council has failed in its duty, to safeguard us.  And if he literally can't breathe - where is his voice - that's why I'm green and that's why later this month I'll be taking part in the re-declaration of rebellion.

All this time many defendants have come to Hendon Magistrates Court and it's a struggle to support all the arrestees but they have been supported and we hope there's capacity in the movement for more. But you don't have to be arrested to have an important and key role in turning this system around.  I've looked at taking part in October's second International Rebellion.  I've taken 2 weeks off work, starting on October 7th.  I'm working hard to make sure everything is ready, and that I'm prepared and as read-up as I can be, as is my local group.

Which comes to now:  We can not afford to fail.  We need everybody now and our earth is burning.  It's been a success so far.  Who's with me?

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