But here is a taster of what I said to the Junior Doctors and anyone who would listen
- They should tweet Justin Bieber to ask for his support for the striking Junior Doctors
- If they're not happy with mainstream media coverage of their story I could put them in touch with local-based bloggers who normally keep an eye on the Tory council and have been picked up in Private Eye
- We have an excellent Trade Union Liaison officer in Barnet Green Party, who'd be open to a job-share due to paternity!
- The Green Party and our candidates support you.
- You should all register to vote and be aware that you have 3 votes in the London elections...
- During the General Election David Cameron did very badly at a meeting with Age UK and was heckled and booed when he talked about the NHS. The following day, I found out that Age UK in Barnet had cancelled by hustings at the meritage centre due to certain other candidates pulling out.

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