faith and peace walk

 Last year I joined in with the faith and peace walk which took place on clean air day.  We walked with barnet multi faith forum around places of worship: churches, a synagogue, an islamic centre.

The next one will be on Thursday 19 June, clean air day.  As usual it will be part of the London Festival of Architecture and the event has some funding (refreshments were provided at each stop)

 This year 2025 will take place in New Barnet / East Barnet / High Barnet.

 For older less mobile members of the community there will be accessibility designed into the event.

development for development's sake

 A comment on nextdoor opening with "Not sure Barnet council is listening about the development in Edgware, Finchley and various parts of the Borough" has questioned if we have the infrastructure, naming hospital capacity, tubes, schools and mental health.  She asked if maybe it would be more useful in The North.

The comment drew 57 comments in 1 day including the suggestion to send a delegation (or deputation) to speak to the council, something we've seen by Anuta Zack a leading landlord in Edgware.

 The Council said it will not comment on specific plans which are being considered right now, as they look at the Barnet Plan, which was finalised and approved last week.

In conversation with local champions, I have heard a rumour that the Barnet Plan weakens the language around NCIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) saying it is optional which is not good for community.  The popular "brews & views" cafe was built from these contributions.